Wednesday, January 26, 2011


MONSTER is a really good book. In the beginning when he goes to court, (for killing someone) he tries to make his life as a movie. He like puts it in a paper how its gunna be and how the words are gunna pop out. Its wierd but interesting. Hopefully the book continues to be good and it can teach me a lesson.
the book i am currently reading is MONSTER. Up to now the book is very interesting but kinda wierd.The setting isnt new because where he is is in jail nd goin to court.There isnt nothing new really.

my reading life

so far the book that ive really like is The Alchemist. this book really made me realize about my personal legend. it also made me see what i could be when i grow up. I really recommend this book to everyone and for those who like adventure books. One of the best books ive read!!!